
How to Learn Stage Lighting ?

If you want to learn stage lighting, there are many different ways. Learning lighting theory, technical equipment and lighting design . 

1. Learning Stage Lighting From Books/Internet

Reading theory on stage lighting , whether about lighting design or equipment and practices, can really help you to understand the 

subject and provide easy references of stage lighting terms and the structure of putting on an event or show. 


2. Stage Lighting Courses

There are many short stage lighting courses and workshops available to help you learn the practical skills. These lighting courses 

often take place in a theatre or venue and are open to anyone who wishes to take part for on or two days, usually for a small fee. 

When starting to learn stage lighting, it can be helpful to meet others at your own level of experience and get the opportunity to use 

some equipment that may not be available to you. Short stage lighting courses and workshops often use lighting industry 

professionals as tutors and it can be great to be able to ask them questions while trying your hand at learning new lighting skills.


3. Work Experience and Volunteering

In recent years, work experience has become a tricky subject for many stage lighting businesses. The increased demand for places,

plus a greater awareness their legal responsibilities, mean that some lighting companies are less willing/able to take on young people

who wish to learn stage lighting. That should not stop you from trying to get a work experience placement with a good lighting or

theatre company as there is no substitute for practical experience with professional lighting engineers.

Developing your stage lighting skills by volunteering can range from helping at your local church, university productions or even 

going along to your local theatre companyand helping out for free. When your stage lighting experience is limited, volunteering 

can be a great way to get to work in a professional environment and learning from the experts. 

When you have a good level of skill, a professional company should start to pay you.